Equity, diversity, and inclusion strategic listening
sessions: Attend a live session August 23 or 29 (info
below) or take a survey
(See below for links to Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese translations of the survey)
The following is from the state Developmental Disabilities Administration:
Dear Partners and Stakeholders:
In the next several weeks you have a couple opportunities to share your ideas on how state agencies can better identify and address opportunity gaps and inequities. Governor Inslee is committed to ensuring that Washington state prioritizes outreach efforts that underscore the value of equity and inclusion. Through the Washington State Office of Equity, he has asked all state agencies to gather collective wisdom from stakeholders, families and clients to co-create a five-year equity strategic plan that helps Washington to bridge opportunity gaps and reduce disparities. Your feedback will assist the new state Office of Equity and DSHS to help guide positive change.
You can share your voice in the following ways:
Listening Sessions hosted by DDA and DD Council
The state Developmental Disabilities Administration and the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council are hosting community/stakeholder equity strategic planning listening sessions. See the time, date and registration information below.
Time: 5 to 8 p.m. PST
Zoom registration link: https://dshs-telehealth.zoom.us/j/87536021383?pwd=N0J5R25SOU1jSFpMQ1dCRUtEQXY4dz09
Passcode: 903868
Meeting ID: 875 3602 1383
+12532158782,,87536021383#,,,,*903868# US (Tacoma)
+16699006833,,87536021383#,,,,*903868# US (San Jose)
Friday, Aug. 27, 2021
Time: 1 to 4 p.m. PST
Zoom Registration Link: https://dshs-telehealth.zoom.us/j/87434340039?pwd=NW5ZcDhQN1FhbTNyYnp5NEsyN09IZz09
Passcode: 578342
Meeting ID: 874 3434 0039
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,87434340039#,,,,*578342# US (Tacoma)
+16699006833,,87434340039#,,,,*578342# US (San Jose)
Accessibility notes: Language interpretation, sign language, closed captioning and Communication Access Real-Time Translation services are available upon request. If you need any other reasonable accommodation to engage during the listening session, please let us know as soon as possible, or no less than 10 days prior to the scheduled time. You may make your request by emailing chanjk@dshs.wa.gov.
Survey to share ideas
Please complete the Office of Equity survey using the links below.
In addition to attending one of our listening sessions (or if you are unable to attend our listening sessions), please take the time complete this survey:
Survey requests: Please send your comments, requests and questions about the survey and survey accessibility, including language translation, screen readers and font sizes, to equityinfo@wa.gov.
About the Washington State Office of Equity:
The newly created Washington State Office of Equity was established by the Legislature and signed into law in April 2020 because the Legislature found that:
The population of Washington state has become increasingly diverse over the last several decades.
As the demographics of our state change, historically and currently marginalized communities still do not have the same opportunities to meet parity as their non-marginalized counterparts across nearly every measure including education, poverty, employment, health and more.
Inequities based on race, ethnicity, gender and other characteristics continue to be deep, pervasive and persistent, and they come at a great economic and social cost.