Thursday, February 14, 2019

Straw ban evolves: A win for accommodation


Remember that straw ban bill in the Washington State Legislature?
  • Bill page for SB 5077
  • Our blog ("Straw bans not effective, and they discriminate")

A substitute bill just passed out of committee. It removes the statewide prohibitions on the sale and distribution of plastic straws. Instead, food service establishments are limited to supplying them on demand - and because plastic straws are an accommodation, food service establishments need to provide a straw on request to people with disabilities.

That is a MUCH different bill! It now goes to the House Rules committee for consideration of a vote from the entire chamber.

Thank you to everyone who called and signed our public letter. We weren't expecting to put so much energy into straws, but the effort paid off - and some key legislators are now a lot more aware of disability issues.

Senator Reuven Carlyle of the 36th Legislative District put forth the amendment. If this issue is important to you, send him a thank you!

OH .... AND A ENVIRONMENTAL TIP: Enjoy this image of celebratory balloons, but please never release real balloons. They are dangerous to ocean wildlife and a plastic pollutant.