Election 2019 - SeaTac City Council Responses

Positions 1, 3, 5, and 7 are up for election in November.

Position 1

Senayet Negusse 

Came in first in the primary. No response submitted. Contact: SenayetforSeaTac@gmail.com, www.SenayetforSeaTac.com

Tony Anderson

No response submitted. Contact TonyforSeaTac@mail.com

Position 3

Peter Kwon

Sitting City Councilmember. No response submitted. Contact: PeterSeaTac@gmail.com, www.peterkwon.com

Damiana Merryweather

No response submitted. Contact: damiana@merryweatherforseatac.com, www.merryweatherforseatac.com

Position 5

Stan Tombs

Sitting City Councilmember. No response submitted. Contact: stan@stan4seatac5.com, www.stan4seatac5.com

Takele Gobena

Contact: Takele4Seatac2019@gmail.com, www.takeleforseatac.com

Do you have any direct experience with disability? 


1 - HOUSING: How would you make affordable housing available to people with developmental disabilities?

First of all, I would make sure that SeaTac joins the affordable housing coalition of cities in south King County. The current SeaTac city Council has decided to stay out of this coalition. We need to make sure that we have  a seat a the table on this coalition to be building affordable AND accessible  housing across our city and larger region. Additionally, I would work with non-profits like LIHI to build more affordable housing in SeaTac. Last year a piece of city property that was for sale recieved only one bid for purchase and it was from an affordable housing developer, but still the SeaTac city council decided they didn't want to allow affordable housing to be developed there.

2 - SHELTER: How would you ensure people with developmental disabilities have a safe place to sleep and stay?
I don't believe sweeping homeless encampments is an effective or compassionate approach to solving homelessness. Shelter needs to have low barriers and varied types are needed to address different needs of different people.

3 - SUPPORTIVE HOUSING: How would you ensure people with developmental disabilities are receiving case management and the support needed to escape homelessness?

To not include intellectual function in assessing vulnerability seems like a huge blindspot. I would work with homeless service providers and the county to update best practices on this issue.

4 - SAFETY: How would you ensure the safety of people with developmental disabilities in police interactions?

Police accountability starts with ensuring that officers have the training that they need to work with all members of our community. As a part of adapting a community policing model I would pass legislation that says officers need more deescalation training.

5 - SAFETY & JUSTICE: Would you support cross-training among professionals in the courtroom, police departments, victim assistance agencies and schools to prepare the justice community for situations involving people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities so they can receive equal justice?

I would certainly support any efforts that would reduce the population of people with developmental disabilities in our jails. I would be happy to work on this issue.

6 - ACCESS & ACCOMMODATIONS: How would you ensure access to straws in public areas?
I think any plastic straw ban should have certain accommodations in place for people with disabilities.

7 - JOBS: What would you do to increase job prospects for people with developmental disabilities?

I would leverage my relationship with organized labor to help with any training and employment programs for the developmentally disabled.

8 - SAFETY: How will you ensure your city's streets, sidewalks and intersections are safe and accessible to everyone?
Unfortunately, SeaTac is way behind on walkability. We need to be doing better. I will push to update  plans to make sure we are building more sidewalks, faster. New sidewalks constructed should be accessible to everyone.

9 - TRANSIT: Do you think Lyft, Uber and other ride-share companies should be required to include wheelchair accessible vehicles in their fleets?
Yes! I have worked with the City of Seattle to regulate these ride share apps and this is another great project.

10 - TRANSIT: What will you do to expand transit service and improve reliability?
I support efforts to provide ORCA cards for all citizens of King County. I also oppose all efforts to slow the highly needed light rail expansion. Transit in South King County is extremely bad, and we need to be doing more to expanding transit options in the suburbs.

Position 7

Mohamed Ali Egal

No response submitted. Contact: Egal4Seatac07@gmail.com

Erin Sitterley

Sitting City Councilmember. No response submitted. Contact: erin4seatac@gmail.com, www.erinsitterley.com