Election 2019 - Mercer Island City Council Responses

Council positions 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7 will be voted on this November.

Position 1

Daniel Thompson

Has not submitted a response. Contact: danielpthompson@hotmail.com

Dave Rosenbaum

Contact: https://www.rosenbaum4mi.com/

Do you have any direct experience with disability?

Yes. I have a cousin who has a developmental disability, and has faced many challenges throughout his life.

1. HOUSING: How would you make affordable housing available to people with developmental disabilities?

The King County Community should invest in housing for those with disabilities who are not currently able to secure safe  and supportive housing. I believe we should evaluate the current budget to ensure that we are effectively assisting those in that category. We should ensure that we are using the best tools at our disposal to assist individual needs, rather than trying a one size fits all approach.

2. SHELTER: How would you ensure people with developmental disabilities have a safe place to sleep and stay?

We need to examine the budget and work with experts to ensure that we are meeting the needs of a variety of types of disabilities. The better we understand the unique needs of those with disabilities. It should not be a choice between an inhospitable shelter and the dangers of the streets.

3. SUPPORTIVE HOUSING: How would you ensure people with developmental disabilities are receiving case management and the support needed to escape homelessness?

For starters, we need to examine the prioritization methods so that those who would benefit the most from these types of services are able to access them.

4. SAFETY: How would you ensure the safety of people with developmental disabilities in police interactions?

I believe we should work directly with law enforcement to provide trainings on how to identify and work with those with disabilities.

5. SAFETY & JUSTICE: Would you support cross-training among professionals in the courtroom, police departments, victim assistance agencies and schools to prepare the justice community for situations involving people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities so they can receive equal justice?

Yes, I would support such cross training, and I believe it is unfortunate we are not already utilizing these types of trainings. It only takes one step in the process where someone is not well informed for the whole process to fail.

6. ACCESS & ACCOMMODATIONS: How would you ensure access to straws in public areas?

I believe that reasonable accommodations should be made, and I don't believe someone who has a medical need for something should ever not be able to access it.

7. JOBS: What would you do to increase job prospects for people with developmental disabilities?

Despite his disability, my cousin has always worked in a variety of jobs. These jobs have been wonderful for him in many ways. I think we should examine current employment law and tax incentives to encourage more businesses to hire those with disabilities.

8. SAFETY: How will you ensure your city's streets, sidewalks and intersections are safe and accessible to everyone?

I've often noticed when commuting that my fellow drivers stop in traffic directly in crosswalks, blocking access for those who need to utilize ramps. I think we should encourage law enforcement to issue more tickets, and word will spread fast. Given the rate of construction and renovation in our area, we need to work with developers to ensure the construction does not limit freedom of movement for those with disabilities.

9. TRANSIT: Do you think Lyft, Uber and other ride-share companies should be required to include wheelchair accessible vehicles in their fleets?

I believe we should work with those types of companies to encourage them to incentivize drivers who can offer those services to participate in their platform. 

10. TRANSIT: What will you do to expand transit service and improve reliability?

As the light rail system is expanded in the region, we need to ensure that light rail stops are truly accessible, and quickly address any issues as these new trains come online. We also need to examine last mile transportation options for everyone, including those with disabilities.

Position 3

Wendy Weiker

Sitting council member. Contact: electwendyweiker@gmail.com, www.electwendyweiker.com

Do you have any direct experience with disability?

Yes. My nephew has autism. My brother-in-law is on disability for depression. Several friends of mine have kids with developmental delays. My teenage son has been struggling with dysgraphia-dyslexia since elementary school.

1. HOUSING: How would you make affordable housing available to people with developmental disabilities?

I think we need more housing in the region so all people have more and more affordable housing options. This is especially critical for people/families with limited incomes, people recovering from trauma and/or mental illness, and people with physical and mental developmental delays. I think we can increase housing options for our vulnerable people with increased requirements or incentives for affordable housing in new construction, old housing stock preservation or incentives for vulnerable people, increased group/family home development, and more transitional housing for people struggling with homelessness.

2. SHELTER: How would you ensure people with developmental disabilities have a safe place to sleep and stay?

I think we can try to increase regulations or incentives for creating more public-private partnerships for vulnerable population housing and services.

3. SUPPORTIVE HOUSING: How would you ensure people with developmental disabilities are receiving case management and the support needed to escape homelessness?

I think we can work to update the vulnerability index to include intellectual functioning and independent living so that our most struggling neighbors get the help and access to resources they need.  I would bet we could probably use more outreach and education to families AND increase the number of case workers and housing options.

4. SAFETY: How would you ensure the safety of people with developmental disabilities in police interactions?

Increase officer education and training so we have more of an empathetic community policing system and paradigm in our law enforcement agencies.

5. SAFETY & JUSTICE: Would you support cross-training among professionals in the courtroom, police departments, victim assistance agencies and schools to prepare the justice community for situations involving people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities so they can receive equal justice?

Yes, and I would think this effort needs not only funding for training and time for inter-agency staff coordination on behalf of clients, but a concerted focus on collaboration and protocols for better serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

6. ACCESS & ACCOMMODATIONS: How would you ensure access to straws in public areas?

Create an exception/exemption in the straw laws (to meet an updated ADA compliance regulation?) so food-serving businesses and organizations have plastic straws available for customers who need them.

7. JOBS: What would you do to increase job prospects for people with developmental disabilities?

Work with public and private employers to increase access to jobs that could be available to people with developmental abilities and provide incentives or regulations perhaps to targeted industries that have the volume or capacity in their workforces to create systems and sustainable outcomes that support this goal.

8. SAFETY: How will you ensure your city's streets, sidewalks and intersections are safe and accessible to everyone?

Embrace and fund ADA compliant public transportation infrastructure and systems.

9. TRANSIT: Do you think Lyft, Uber and other ride-share companies should be required to include wheelchair accessible vehicles in their fleets?

While not every ride share driver/car can likely accommodate wheelchair access, I think those businesses could support a small fleet/reservation system to allow people with disabilities to access their services.  Cities and counties can help by not allowing their service/denying a business license unless such a component in the business model exits and is readily available.

10. TRANSIT: What will you do to expand transit service and improve reliability?

Advocate for public transit and public-private partnerships to advance mobility for everyone, especially underserved people, including those with developmental disabilities.

Jon Hanlon

No response submitted. Contact: jon@hanlon4mi.org, www.hanlon4mi.org

Position 4

Lisa A. Anderl

Sitting council member. No response submitted. Contact: lisanderl@yahoo.com

Patrick Allcorn

No response submitted. Contact: allcornformi@gmail.com

Position 5

Craig W. Reynolds

No response submitted. Contact: craig@micraig.com, www.micraig.com

Heather Jordan Cartwright

No response submitted. No contact information