Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Budget breakthrough?

Governor's office reports "Deal In Principle"

The Office of the Governor is reporting that House and Senate budget negotiators reached an agreement in principle on the 2017-2019 biennial operating budget. The negotiators and caucus leaders said they were confident that they would complete work on the budget and have a vote of the Legislature before the end of the day Friday, the final day of the fiscal year.

That would avoid a partial shutdown of state government.

More details will be available after the four legislative caucuses are briefed on the agreement.

Following are issues that appear to be in play, based on committee agendas. I highlighted bills of interest to promoting and protecting the rights of people with developmental disabilities or their families. - Ramona Hattendorf, Director of Advocacy, The Arc of King County

House Rules

The Rules Committee decides which bills to bring up for a floor vote. Here is what is on its list for action:

HB 1116 - Family & med leave insurance - Robinson, Doglio   
HB 1797 - Affordable housing/taxes - McBride, Kloba   
ESHB 1388 - Behavioral health authority - Cody
HB 1452 - Opportunity scholarship prog - Holy, Tarleton
ESHB 1570 - Homeless housing & assist. - Macri
E2SHB 1661 - Child, youth, families/dept - Kagi
EHB 1958 - Regional Transit Authority taxes/whole parcel - Harmsworth,Young
2EHB 2107 - Mental health placements - Schmick, Cody
E2SHB 2143 - Higher ed. financial aid - Haler
EHB 2201 - Motor Vehicle Excise Tax collection - Pellicciotti, Slatter           
2SHB 1777 - Early learning financing - Kagi

Senate Rules

The Rules Committee decides which bills to bring up for a floor vote. Here is what is on its list for action:

ESSB 5038- Incentivized evidence disclosure - Padden/Padden   
E2SSB 5239 - Water availability - Warnick/Warnick   
ESB 5316 - RCW provisions not needed - Miloscia/Fortunato; VOTE: 46-1-0-2, 6/27
SSB 5453 - School construction grants - Braun/Honeyford   
3E2ESB 5517 - GMA/rail dependent uses - Short/Wilson; VOTE: 35-11-2-1, 6/27
3SSB 5558 - Released offender identicard - Padden/Darneille   
ESB 5646 - Residential habilitation centers - Rivers/Honeyford; VOTE: 46-1-0-2, 6/27
ESB 5720 - Production-based comp. wages - Warnick/Hawkins; VOTE: 26-21-1-1, 6/27
SB 5934 - Convicted persons - Padden/Padden   
SB 5952 - Department of corrections - Padden/Padden   

NOTE: 5646, RHCs, is an amended version of the Yakima Valley School. Details:

Hearings on bills this week:

SB 5032 - Implementing family and medical leave insurance. (hearing on proposed substitute)
SB 5919 - Concerning consumer protection of internet privacy.
SB 5858 - Concerning professional certification for teachers and school administrators (hearing on proposed substitute)